UPDATE : The file has been updated, now is saved as flash 8 and the background bug has been fixed.
This template is totally XML driven and you can load any flash project and it will resize to it’s dimentions, the content is always centered in the middle of the window and the logo is always in the top-left corner (can be changed). It includes 7 pages but it can have unlimmited: Home, About, News, Service, Works, Contact and the MP3 controls, and it also includes a tiled background. Them all can be setted in the .xml file. It also includes a .css file that you can set to format the text of all the site.
The home section its a dynamic banner where you can load as many images as you wish via XML , with a nice fade transition and you can you can choice to have a determined sequence or a random sequence (can be activated in the script) also you can place easily you logo there.
The about section includes two parts, the first one is a dynamic text loaded from an external .XML and formated with a .CSS file, that supports links, pictures and HTML tags. The second one is a picture dynamically loaded.
The news section also includes two parts, a list of news that is totally xml driven with a mouse scroll and a dynamic text loaded from an external .XML and formated with a .CSS file, that supports links, pictures and HTML tags.
The service section is XML driven and supports unlimited number of items and the scrollbar resizes according to the text size.
In the works section you can place unlimited number of projects and images, is all driven by XML so is very easy to update it.
The contact form works with php and the contact info at the right is loded via XML .
The mp3 is XML driven and supports infinite number of songs.
The tiled background can be easily change with other pattern or be deactivated by turning to false a variable. The radial gradient resizes to the browser dimentions.