Friday, April 10, 2009 Adobe CS4 Getting Started Bundle Adobe CS4 Getting Started Bundle
Language English | 2.5 Gb | ISO

• Dreamweaver CS4 Getting Started with James Williamson • 30 min
• Photoshop CS4 Getting Started with Deke McClelland • 120 min
• Flash CS4 Professional Getting Started with Todd Perkins • 45 min
• Illustrator CS4 Getting Started with Deke McClelland • 120 min
• After Effects CS4 Getting Started with Chad Perkins • 60 min
• InDesign CS4 Getting Started with Deke McClelland • 90 min
• Soundbooth CS4 Getting Started with Garrick Chow • 37 min
• Fireworks CS4 Getting Started with Jim Babbage • 60 min
• Premiere Pro CS4 Getting Started with Paul Trani • 60 min
• Acrobat 9 Pro Getting Started with Brian Wood • 30 min
• Encore CS4 Getting Started with Chad Perkins • 30 min

Dreamweaver CS4 Getting Started with James Williamson 30 min
James Williamson provides a practical introduction to Adobe's do-it-all web design and development tool in Dreamweaver CS4 Getting Started. He
shows how to generate standards-compliant XHTML and CSS, as well as rock-solid PHP, ColdFusion, ASP, AJAX, and more, using Dreamweaver's
developer-friendly Code view and WYSIWYG Design view. From creating basic page layouts to embedding multimedia, James shares techniques for
publishing a finished site quickly and efficiently. Example files accompany the course.

Photoshop CS4 Getting Started with Deke McClelland 120 min
The release of Adobe's all-purpose image editor makes Photoshop CS4 the ultimate digital darkroom. In Photoshop CS4 Getting Started, Deke
McClelland introduces the new features in CS4 while emphasizing core concepts like adjusting brightness and contrast, burning and dodging,
straightening, cropping,and resizing. He shares his techniques for retouching portraits, reducing noise, and sharpening detail. Other key
Photoshop features, such as working with text layers, adding metadata, and web optimization, are also introduced. Exercise files accompany the course.

Flash CS4 Professional Getting Started with Todd Perkins 45 min:
Flash CS4 Professional Getting Started explores the many creative projects made possible by this powerful and flexible tool. Todd Perkins
demonstrates the updated interface and explains Flash fundamentals, including drawing tools, objects, and symbols. He shows how to work with
vectors, bitmaps, audio, and video. Both new and established animation features are explored, including bones, shape and motion tweens, and the
Flash Timeline. Todd also introduces ActionScript 3.0 and some of the ways it can be used to add interactivity to a project. Example files accompany the course.

Illustrator CS4 Getting Started with Deke McClelland 120 min:
Even as its features multiply with each new version, the enduring popularity of Illustrator stems from its foundation as a powerful and flexible
vector drawing tool. In Illustrator CS4 Getting Started, Deke McClelland provides a concise but thorough examination of core Illustrator
concepts stroke, fill, and path; scaling and rotating; layers and guides, and he demonstrates several techniques for working with type. Deke
also addresses many of the new features in CS4, including the refined interface, multiple artboards, more-powerful gradients, and the Blob
brush. Exercise files accompany the course.

After Effects CS4 Getting Started with Chad Perkins 60 min:
In After Effects CS4 Getting Started, Chad Perkins reveals why he and so many others are passionate about this software. After Effects is an
intuitive and powerful environment for experimenting with motion graphics, compositing, and animation. Chad introduces the basic workflow of
collecting and organizing assets in the Project panel, assembling them into layered compositions, and applying color correction and other
effects. He offers detailed explanations of 3D, text, and character animation options, including the Puppet tool, which is used to bring organic
motion to static images. He also shows how to output finished work into file formats that can be used by other applications.

InDesign CS4 Getting Started with Deke McClelland 90 min:
InDesign CS4 Getting Started is a concise demonstration of the techniques used to assemble text and images into multi-page documents that can be
published in print, on the web, or in many other electronic formats. Deke McClelland introduces the core elements that make up any InDesign
project, whether simple or complex pages, text frames, and images. He shows how to place and flow text, and set character- or paragraph-level
attributes. He also examines image placement, cropping, scaling, and framing. Along the way, Deke discusses the efficient use of rulers and
guides, and how to navigate between pages. Example files accompany the course.

Soundbooth CS4 Getting Started with Garrick Chow 37 min:
Garrick Chow provides a succinct introduction to the latest version of Adobe's versatile audio editing application in Soundbooth CS4 Getting Started.
He shares typical techniques for importing and editing audio, and explains how to solve common problems like equalizing volume and
repairing flawed source recordings. Garrick shows how to experiment safely using the History panel and the Snapshot tool, and discusses multi-
track mixing. Exercise files accompany the course.

Fireworks CS4 Getting Started with Jim Babbage 60 min:
Fireworks has come a long way from its roots as a screen graphics editor. As Jim Babbage demonstrates in Fireworks CS4 Getting Started, the
latest release can serve as a rapid prototyping tool for a variety of uses--a central hub in the design and production workflow. Since Fireworks
is a hybrid imaging application, able to seamlessly mix vector and bitmap images, layered Illustrator and Photoshop documents can be imported,
edited, and restructured. Jim shows how to customize the interface and use layout tools like Smart Guides and the 9-Slice Scaling tool to
quickly position and align objects on the canvas. He also discusses a variety of delivery options, including web-optimized graphics, interactive
PDFs, AIR prototypes, and standards-compliant CSS and HTML. Example files accompany the course.

Premiere Pro CS4 Getting Started with Paul Trani 60 min:
In Premiere Pro CS4 Getting Started, Paul Trani walks through a non-linear editing project from beginning to end, introducing both new and
established features along the way. He demonstrates how to capture and organize video footage from tapes or files, create and add to a sequence,
and perform basic editing and trimming tasks. Paul also discusses techniques for color correction, transitions, titles, and other effects. He
prepares the finished piece for export to both Encore DVD and web-optimized video formats. Example files accompany the course.

Acrobat 9 Pro Getting Started with Brian Wood 30 min:
Acrobat 9 Pro makes it easier than ever to combine elements from various sources into a single, universal document that can be an interactive
hub of digital communication. As Brian Wood demonstrates in Acrobat 9 Pro Getting Started, not only text and images but also audio, video,
Flash, and other assets can now be seamlessly combined in a PDF or PDF Portfolio. He shows best practices for streamlining collaborative editing
and review, and demonstrates information collection via forms. Brian also covers how to encrypt and sign documents to provide authentication and
security. Brian reinforces all these techniques as he works his way through end-to-end workflow scenarios that might be typical of a technical
or creative business. Example files accompany the course.

Encore CS4 Getting Started with Chad Perkins 30 min:
Encore DVD CS4 Getting Started is a streamlined look at combining menus, navigation, and video into professional-quality DVDs, Blu-ray Discs, or
web-ready Flash files. Chad Perkins demonstrates how to add asset links to a new project and quickly turn a layered image into a functional menu
that can be edited in Photoshop. He shares typical workflows for organizing video on the Timeline, and shows how to structure interactive disc
navigation. Example files accompany the course.

| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |
| Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 |
| Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 |

post signature - Designing an Event Poster Hands-On Workshop - Designing an Event Poster Hands-On Workshop
Video | Elearning | English | 1.05 GB

Designer and educator Nigel French taps into his 15 years of professional experience to demonstrate how Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop CS4 can integrate to create eye-catching posters. Designing an Event Poster Hands-On Workshop covers more than just the mechanics of the workflow. Using a fictitious stage production of “Romeo and Juliet,” Nigel explores the creative process through a variety of approaches, generating over a dozen poster designs. He covers techniques for combining type and image, designing with grids, editing images for maximum impact, and “soft-proofing” to save time and money. Exercise files accompany the course.


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Adobe Photoshop CS4 Classroom in a Book (book + CD)

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Classroom in a Book (book + CD)
Published by Adobe Press | Pages: 464 | Published: Nov 10, 2008 | ISBN 032157379X | PDF| 693 Mb

The fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Photoshop CS4

Fourteen lessons in Adobe Photoshop CS4 Classroom in a Book cover basic and advanced techniques in Adobe Photoshop, the world’s best image-editing software. Learn how to retouch digital photos, work with layers and masks, navigate the workspace, prepare images print, and explore the latest features. Tips, extra-credit exercises, and step-by-step lessons help you become more productive using Photoshop.

Learn to correct and enhance digital photos, create image composites, transform images in perspective, and prepare images for print and the web. Combine images for extended depth of field, and try out the new 3D features in Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended.

“The Classroom in a Book series is by far the best training material on the market. Everything you need to master the software is included: clear explanations of each lesson, step-by-step instructions, and the project files for the students.” —Barbara Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor, Rocky Mountain Training

Classroom in a Book®, the best-selling series of hands-on software training workbooks, helps you learn the features of Adobe software quickly and easily. Classroom in a Book offers what no other book or training program does—an official training series from Adobe Systems Incorporated, developed with the support of Adobe product experts.

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Photoshop-Basiswissen: Band 1-20

Doc Baumann, Christoph Künne, "Photoshop-Basiswissen: Band 1-20"
Addison-Wesley, München | 2007 | ISBN: 3827326060 | 1900 pages | PDF | 276 MB

Nur für echte Photoshop-Fans: Schnappen Sie sich die komplette Photoshop-Bibliothek mit allen 20 Bänden zum Vorzugspreis und sparen Sie über 50 Euro!Die Photoshop-Bibliothek umfasst:-Band 1: Auswählen-Band 2: Farbkorrektur für Fotografen-Band 3: Schärfen und Weichzeichnen-Band 4: Digitale Negative: Camera Raw-Band 5: Perspektive-Band 6: Porträts retuschieren-Band 7: Montagen-Band 8: Ebenen-Band 9: Masken und Kanäle-Band 10: Bilder verwalten mit Bridge-Band 11: Malen und Zeichnen-Band 12: Schwarzweiß-Labor-Band 13: Freistellen-Band 14: Retuschieren-Band 15: Ebeneneffekte-Band 16: Bilder fürs Internet-Band 17: Text und Typoeffekte-Band 18: Einrichten und Automatisieren-Band 19: Verzerren-Band 20: Bilder druckenAuf der Basis von zwanzig Jahren digitaler Bildbearbeitung haben die Autoren Doc Baumann und Christoph Künne - Herausgeber des renommierten Fachmagazins DOCMA - das Konzept für die Edition DOCMA "Photoshop-Basiswissen" entwickelt. Manchen Lesern des Kultmagazins, darunter sogar Profis, erschienen einzelne Workshops zu schwierig, da sie oft ein Grundlagenwissen voraussetzten, das in fortgeschrittenen Projektvorstellungen nicht jedes Mal neu vermittelt werden kann.Nach vielen Anregungen und ausgiebigen Diskussionen mit den Lesern entstand diese einzigartige Basis-Reihe, deren Besonderheit es ist, in jedem Band ausschließlich ein einziges Thema zu behandeln. Dabei wird einerseits kaum Vorwissen vorausgesetzt - andererseits richtet sich die Reihe aber vorzugsweise an Anwender, die mehr wollen als oberflächliche Effektanwendungen; Ziel ist eine professionelle, zumindest aber anspruchsvolle Nutzung des Bildbearbeitungsprogramms und seiner vielfältigen Möglichkeiten.Die Reihe geht zwar von den Werkzeugen der aktuellen Photoshop-Version aus, der weit überwiegende Teil der vorgeschlagenen Problemlösungen ist aber völlig versionsunabhängig und funktioniert oft bereits ab Photoshop 5 oder 6. Auf jeder Buchseite finden die Leser eine großformatige farbige Abbildung, die sowohl die Entwicklung des jeweiligen Bildprojekts dokumentiert als auch alle dazu notwendigen Werkzeuge, Einstellungen, Parameter, Tastaturkürzel und anderes zeigt. Hinzu kommen weitere Hilfsmittel wie Aufbau der verwendeten Ebenen-, Kanäle- oder Pfad-Paletten. Ein ausführlicher Text erläutert den jeweiligen Workshopschritt.Das verwendete Bildmaterial kann auf der DOCMA-Website zum Experimentieren heruntergeladen werden. Die hilfreichen Tipps gehen weit über eine bloße Beschreibung der Programmfunktionen hinaus und spiegeln die lange Erfahrung der Autoren beim praktischen Einsatz von Photoshop wider. Nach Durcharbeiten eines Bandes sollte der Leser in der Lage sein, die vorgestellten Arbeitstechniken und Verfahren zu beherrschen und kreativ für eigene Projekte anzuwenden. Ein Verweissystem innerhalb der Reihe erleichtert das Auffinden weiterer wertvoller Hinweise in den anderen Bänden.

Baende 1-10 (97 MB)

Baende 11-15 (86 MB)

Baende 16-20 (93,2 MB)

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AlphaPlugins Engraver II v2.1

AlphaPlugins Engraver II v2.1
Plugin for Photoshop | Language: English | 1.45 MB

AlphaPlugins представила новую версию плагина Engraver для Photoshop и совместимых программ. Engraver предназначен для стилизации фотографий под гравировку. Он дает возможность использовать разнообразные геометрические фигуры для затенения изображений, обрезать изображения альфа-каналом, преобразовывать фотографии в черно-белую или цветную гравировку.
Последняя версия плагина имеет улучшенную опцию предварительного просмотра.

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Photoshop User Апрель 2009

Коллектив авторов- Photoshop User Апрель 2009
2009 | ISBN: 5699340446 | 140 pages | PDF | 15,2 MB

Photoshop User - Одно из лучших зарубежных изданий по фотошопу! Этот очень красивый и креативный журнал посвящённый редактированию и созданию фотографий при помощи фотошопа. Обзоры фотоопаратов, техники. Не обязательно знать английский язык, что бы следовать инструкциям в этом замечательном журнале Photoshop User. Вы узнаете как вставить лицо в шаблон, как делать костюмы для фотошопа, кисти волос photoshop и т.д. Есть ссылки на разные ресурсы по фотожелезу.

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Over 90 Professional Photoshop Tutorials

Over 90 Professional Photoshop Tutorials
90 Books | 162 Mb

All the files were html but were converted to PDF for convenience.Tutorial from National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP)website.
Contents listed on next page.

3D effect.pdf, 3D Polaroid effect.pdf, 3D transform filter.pdf, agreat retro pattern.pdf, adding a stroke.pdf, adding a tan.pdf, addingbackgrounds with impact.pdf, adding facial hair.pdf, all aboutcropping.pdf, American flag.pdf, animated binocular effect.pdf,animated glint.pdf, Apply, Discoloration with Apply Image.pdf,automating part 1-brush set creation.pdf, background swapping, anothertake.pdf, beach scene.pdf, black light effect.pdf, black-backgroundcontact sheets.pdf, Blending subjects with backgrounds.pdf, box-arrowlabels.pdf, BuildingLayer Styles.pdf, Cargo, Container_ Part 1, Texturing.pdf, CargoContainer_ Part 2 - 3D.pdf, carved wood text.pdf, Carving 3Dsurfaces.pdf, chalkboard.pdf, changing scenery.pdf, chrome layerstyle.pdf, chromed text effect.pdf, circular wrap (1).pdf, circularwrap (2).pdf, Classy Thumbnails.pdf, Clipart Tattoos.pdf, cloudyfrosted text.pdf, Color calibration 1.pdf, Color calibration 2.pdf,Color correction with levels.pdf, Color replacement tool.pdf,colorizing photos.pdf, Cool edges.pdf, crayon drawing.pdf, creating a rainbow.pdf, creating a sunset.pdf, creating bubbles.pdf, creating CS randing artwork.pdf, creating custom shapes.pdf, creating spotlight effect.pdf,creating the BORG homeworld.pdf, creating trendy background fromnothing.pdf, creative merging of photos.pdf, crop circles.pdf, Croppingtrick.pdf, Cropping with perspective.pdf, Curtain in PS.pdf, customshapes.pdf, dancing mp3 ad people.pdf,Digital Optometry-Soft to Sinister.pdf, displaying image in 3Dblocks.pdf, DNA strand effect .pdf, easy ice.pdf, engraved marble withveins.pdf, faking real world motion.pdf, festive candy canes.pdf, Film vs Digital(2).pdf, Film vs digital (3).pdf, fireworks.pdf, fossil or statue_.pdf,fun photo, retouching.pdf, Getting Ready for Mardi Gras.pdf, GIF vsJPEG.pdf, Glass text.pdf, glitter text.pdf, grass texture.pdf, gridvariations.pdf, Grunge it up.pdf, halloween pumkin.pdf, Hiddenhistograms.pdf, How to.pdf, Illusions and ghosts.pdf, Image correction- process.pdf, infrared effect.pdf, instant steam.pdf, interface(1).pdf, interface (2).pdf, interface (3).pdf, interface (4).pdf,Jaguar effect (1).pdf, Jaguar effect (2).pdf, keeping your balance.pdf,Layer comps.pdf, Letters afire.pdf, light painting.pdf, liquidbackgrounds.pdf, little people icons.pdf, Loading Actions.pdf, makinga radar screen.pdf, Mars Creatures Attack - 3D effect.pdf, Matrix text(2).pdf, Medical 101.pdf, Metal type text.pdf, More fun withbrushes.pdf, Movie poster text - LOTR.pdf, Mult exp to filter noise.pdfmulticolored type glow.pdf, Mysteries of Unsharp Mask.pdf.

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