This template is customizable and easy to use. You can use it for any kind of site or photo gallery, use your imagination
You can load SWFs, JPEGs, progressive JPEGs, unanimated GIFs, or PNGs. If you load an animated GIFs, only the first frame is displayed.
There is a help file and the XML file is well documented. The zip comes with all the files in this preview so you can understand how it works easily.
These are template settings:
+ wallpaperImage
+ windowAlpha
+ menuVerticalSpace
+ menuHorizontalSpace
+ menuItemColorNormal
+ menuItemColorPressed
+ menuItemTextColor
+ taskBarColor
+ taskBarTextColor
These are the menuItem and window settings:
+ menuItemName
+ url
+ contentWidth
+ contentHeight
+ windowTitle
+ info
+ displayInfoInitially
+ barColor
+ borderColor
+ titleColor