Sunday, April 20, 2008

Nineblock Software BetterHandles v1.0.1 for Adobe Illustrator 10-CS3

f you work with curves in Illustrator, you need BetterHandles:
* Select multiple handles, and collectively move, extend, rotate, or retract them
* Extend or retract handles without changing their angles
* Edit points numerically: anchor, in handle, out handle
* Convert multiple points from corner to smooth or vice versa
* Automatically extend new handles on multiple points
* Intuitively reshape path segments, optionally constraining handle directions
* Use slow-drag to divide the cursor movement for extremely precise moves
* Equalize a point's handles
* See all the handles on a path while editing it
* Split a path at one or more points
* Delete one or more points and close the path around them
* See when the cursor is over a handle, point, or path — without having to use Smart Guides.
* And more!

BetterHandles Change Log (Version 1.01 of 12 July 2007):
* Now compatible with Illustrator CS3
* New feature: When clicking/dragging a path or anchor point, already-selected paths will take precedence over unselected paths, even if they lie below them in the stacking order
* New feature: Shift-Option/Alt clicking on a blank area of the document is a shortcut for palette pop-up menu item Select handles of selected points
* New feature: Reverse path direction menu item
* Improvement: Select handles of selected points palette pop-up menu item can be modified with Option/Alt and Command/Ctrl to select only in or out handles
* Bug fix: Units properly update in multi-handle-mode palette

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Size: 0.83MB

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