Alert Thingy Out Now

Today we are excited to finally release Alert Thingy, our FriendFeed desktop client, into the world. Since the first screen shot appeared on TechCrunch a couple of weeks ago we have been very pleased at the level of interest and anticipation in this launch. For anyone who does not know, FriendFeed is a great website that brings together personal data streams from over 30 of the most popular websites, applications and social networks into one single feed. That means your latest Twitter, Flickr, Digg, Delicious and many more activity feeds in one place. Following the release of their API we are now able to deliver that data to your desktop via Alert Thingy.
Alert Thingy was only possible through the recent release of Adobe AIR which allowed us to leverage our familiar web skills of XHTML, CSS and AJAX to develop a cross platform desktop application. We were able to get from concept to working application within 1 week and would have been able to release sooner had we not been waiting for our code signing certificate (handy hint for anyone thinking of building an AIR app, apply for your CSC today).
We would like to thank the guys on the Adobe OnAir tour for their help in developing this application and giving us the opportunity to demo at the London event. Special thanks also to Bret Taylor and the folks at FriendFeed for their advice and support. Great API guys!
If you already have a FriendFeed account then get up and running with Alert Thingy in a few minutes by visiting and clicking on the install button. Otherwise visit and sign-up for an account today.
If you are interested in Adobe AIR and how it may help your business please contact us and we would be happy to discuss your requirements.