The content of this portfolio is completely and easily customizable and editable via XML files.
* Any text or image can be dynamically changed.
* You can add as many parts in the menu as you want.
* You can duplicate my parts to creat new ones or create your own ones.
* Logo sticks to the top left of the page, side bars stick on the sides. Content stays in the middle. Preloader sticks to to the top.
* Customized right-click menu.
* Audio Player included, read ID3 Tags, doesn’t need XML , PHP does everything for you.
* Background can be a gradient or a FLV video.
* Enjoy the smooth sliding transitions in some parts :)
* Cleanly designed and coded.
This website is composed of 6 parts (you can add as many as you want) :
* about us w/ external links
* news w/ external links and a gallery for each news (can handle SWF so videos)
* portoflio w/ external links and gallery for each project (can handle SWF so videos)
* contact w/ a e-mail form
* meet the team w/ external links to blogs and gallery for each teamate (can handle SWF so videos)
* showreel w/ video player loading flv
The menu is in the leftside bar, can handle as many parts as you want it and slides vertically if there are too many buttons.
Dynamic additional contents are in the rightside bar with options and are vertically centered.
You can add as many teamates, abouts, news and projects as you want.
All these parts can be renamed as you want and all the content can be changed.
Every image which is dynamically loaded can be replaced by a SWF file (yes, it can handle video).
Fonts are free to download on
Some images are free to download on (great free photos stock website).
HD background video can be purchased on the page of xdozex
On the first lines of the first frame of “main.fla” are some “init vars” options you can modify easily to make this template fit to your exact needs.
Side bars :
* you can display or not the rightside bar (with additional content and options).
* you can choose if the side bars slide with ease or appear.
* you can choose the side bars sliding speed
Right Click menu :
* you can change the URL of the right click menu credits
* you can change the name of the right click menu credits
MP3 player :
* you can set the default volume level you want for the mp3 player
* you can set the default buffertime you want for the mp3 player
* you can choose to autoplay or not the mp3 player
Text effect :
* you can choose if you want the typewriter effect or not
* you can choose the typewriter effect speed
Folders’ structure
Folders must not be renamed or moved
* img (contains all images of the site)
* img/imgBig (contains big images/swf of teamates, news and projects / 266PXx176PX)
* img/menu (contains the images/swf of the leftside bar menu / 250PXx90PX)
* img/imgRef (contains images/swf of each project which will appear in the gallery / the size you want)
* js (contains the js file to activate activx control)
* mp3 (contains your mp3)
All the flv files must be on the root (even if it’s an extra file of a news/project/teamate) because that’s the place where the flv player (ClearOverPlaySeekMute.swf) is.
Editable XML and PHP files
* myParts.xml :
It handles the menu parts. Each part has a name, a swf file to load and an image for the rollover.
* myShowreel.xml :
It handles a title and a description of the showreel part.
* myProjects.xml :
It handles a title and a description of the projects part.
* projects.xml :
It handles all your projects. Each project has a date, a title, a link (not obligatory), an image, an extra (which is the array of the images you want to show in the gallery. Images’ names have to be seperated by ” * | * ” and images have to be in the img/imgRef folder) and a CDATA html text.
You can add as many projects as you want.
* myNews.xml :
It handles a title and a description of the news part.
* news.xml :
It handles all your news. Each news has a date, a title, a link (not obligatory), an extra, an image and a CDATA html text.
You can add as many news as you want.
* myAbout.xml :
It handles a title and a description of the about us part.
* about.xml :
It handles all your abouts. Each about has a title, a link (not obligatory) and a CDATA html text.
You can add as many abouts as you want.
* myTeam.xml :
It handles a title and a description of the meet the team part.
* team.xml :
It handles all your teamates. Each teamate has a title/name, a link to its blog (not obligatory), an extra, an image and a CDATA html text.
You can add as many teamates as you want.
* myRightBarContent.xml :
It handles an CDATA html text where you can write what you want about your company or anything.
* mp3List.php :
This file lists all the ”.mp3” files which are in the mp3 folder, orders them and sends them to flash.
* send_mail.php :
This file sends e-mails users will type in the contact form. Just edit your e-mail address in it and you will receive a formatted mail with user’s informations and message.
Don’t change names and locations of showreel2007.flv and bgVideo.flv, unless you also change them in the FLA files (main.fla and reel.fla).
WHERE IS this wonderfull watermarked background video from ?
- you would like to get this great looped video for your own without the FD watermark, for a very cheap price huh ?
Go to the Den of my friend Mark (xdozex), he has got some beautiful loops ! HERE
MP3 ’s
That’s really simple to use and doesn’t even need an XML file. Just need to prepare your MP3 files and ID3 tags.
1. HOW TO prepare your MP3 files
- Here is the way to name you MP3 files correctly :
The 5 first characters of the name of the file are dedicated to order your MP3s in the playlist.
Then arrives the name of your song.
Finally, it ends with the extension ”.mp3”
For example: 00001mySong.mp3
the 5 digits allows you to add till 99 999 songs. The MP3player will order the files in the playlist according to this number.
The extension ”.mp3” allows the PHP file to browse the directory, to pick all the ”.mp3” files, then to send all file names to flash.
- Here is the way to prepare your mp3’s ID3 tags :
They will appear in the scrolling text once a MP3 is loaded.
Go to your favorite MP3player on your computer (mine is winamp). Open the files you’d like to put in your flash MP3player.
Now you can edit ID3 tags by right-clicking your file name and click “view file info” (always in winamp huh ? I don’t know how works the other players, but it should be the same).
Fill the ID3 v1 and v2 fields, save, and that’s it !
The flash MP3player will load and display the title, the artist and the year of the song !
If ID3 tags are not filled, the textfield will display the name of the mp3 without digits and extension (“mySong” in my example).
2. HOW TO organize your MP3 files
- Put your MP3s in the mp3 directory.
3. WHAT ARE this MP3player features ?
4. WHERE ARE these wonderfull watermarked MP3s from ?
- you would like to get these great tracks for your own without the FD watermark, for a very cheap price huh ?
Go to the Den of my friend Adrien (ADG3 Studios), he has got some bombing sounds ! HERE – Or, you can check the tracks I used in this file directly:
- Posledniy Kaif
- Touching Shadows
- Vox Electronix
- Pegasus
- Trance Elated
Fonts used in this website are free and can be downloaded on They are called “grixel kyrou” and “bitdust one”.
Made by wildwise studio with Flash8,, thanks to 0h,, for his help.
- Thanks for buying my file(s).
- I am available for support when a bug is reported. When this happens, usually, I send a fixed version to my buyers and the file is updated by the FlashDen Team.
If you need to adapt any application to your needs, you need to have knowledge in Flash and ActionScript coding.
I am only available to adapt an application to your needs based on its hourly rates.
As described in my profile I am available for freelance work.