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Flash,Photoshop,Air,Flex,Illustrator, AfterEffect,Adobe Technologies
Posted by Rn@ At 1:13 PM
Labels: Adobe Illustrator
Posted by Rn@ At 1:12 PM
Labels: Adobe Illustrator
Posted by Rn@ At 1:10 PM
Labels: Adobe Photoshop
Posted by Rn@ At 1:05 PM
Labels: adobe Technologies
Christmas Greeting cards Desing in Ai - Free x-mas card vector images.
Snap2Objects - 200+ Vector images from a variety of sets
iStock Free Vector of the Week Page - A free high quality vector file every week
Hydro 74 - 200+ free vector images in a variety of sets and styles
Vecteezy - 500+ images updated constantly. Sets and individual graphics
Vector Portal 90+ vectors in a ton of catagories
Spoon Graphics - A great blog that regularly has free vector files and great tutorials.
FreeVectors.net - Huge collection of free vectors. Some are good, but theres a lot of crap too.
Gabrielle Magurno
Clipart-Design - A modern clip art company that sells vector clip art packs. Has a lot of good free samples. Great for logos.
NDesign Studio - Some really nice vector icon files from the designer that brought us the Web Design Wall.
Garcya.us - Over 200 free vector files. tons of really great and really trendy vector files.
Design Fruit _ Some high quality free samples.
Go Media - If you havent already downloaded the free samples from Media Arsenl, what are you waiting for?
Zippaz - Mostly crap, but has a nice collection of vehical vector files.
Logo Templator - A bunch of random shapes that are great for jump starting your logo design.
Liquid City - 77 Vector buttoms for websites.
Vector Vault - 6 free sample vectors. Site is like smaller and not as cool Go Media.
jlw Design - Blog the regularly posts some really great free vector files. Well worth checking out.
Bitt Box - Ithink everyone already knows this website.
MyJKA - A bunch of free samples from a designer who create and sell vector files, shirt design, patterns, and more.
Magic People - Mostly junk, but some good vector files if you feel like taking the time to look through them.
Posted by Rn@ At 11:43 AM
Labels: Adobe Illustrator
Posted by Rn@ At 11:40 AM
Labels: Adobe Photoshop
Posted by Rn@ At 11:37 AM
Labels: Adobe Photoshop
Posted by Rn@ At 11:22 AM
Labels: Adobe Flash
Posted by Rn@ At 11:20 AM
Posted by Rn@ At 11:19 AM
Labels: Adobe Flash
Posted by Rn@ At 11:14 AM
Labels: Adobe Flash
Posted by Rn@ At 11:12 AM
Labels: Adobe Photoshop
Paperback: 360 pages Data: June 19, 2006 Format: PDF Description: Do you want to master Flash video work, and work your way toward creating awesome, mind-blowing, interactive web applications? Well, don't go any further--this full color book is all you need to step into the future. When Flash Professional 8 was released, it seemed as if we'd embarked on a web video revolution almost overnight. Up until then, web video was a morass of competing players, technologies, standards, codecs, and playback quality. The inclusion of the On2 VP6 codec, the FLV Playback component, alpha channel video, and the Flash 8 Video Encoder has ended the infancy of web video, creating an instant benchmark with no stops in between. And this book is the ultimate guide to Flash 8 video--it offers practical advice, technical guidance, and a full series of creative projects ranging from the dead simple to the complex in a manner that talks to you as an equal and makes only one assumption: basic familiarity with the Flash interface. We start with the basics--how to edit video in some of the most popular packages available (such as iMovie and Movie Maker 2) and create a Flash video file and import it into Flash. Next, we move on to the good stuff--creating a custom video player; creating an alpha channel video and using it in some spectacular projects; turning your creativity loose by applying filters and blend effects to video using the Flash interface and ActionScript; creating video walls, menus, and stunning masking effects; and exploring how Adobe After Effects 7 and Flash Professional 8 are poised to become a motion graphics powerhouse. Best of all, you will discover something the authors had discovered by the time they started writing this book...this stuff is fun! Download - (12 Mb) |
Posted by Rn@ At 11:11 AM
Labels: Adobe Flash
Posted by Rn@ At 11:06 AM
Labels: adobe Technologies
When Flash Player 9 released in June 2006, it introduced the new scripting language, ActionScript 3, which has already taken hold in the Adobe Flex application development community. ActionScript 3 provides not only a significant enhancement in performance, but also a more robust programming model that lends itself to complex Rich Internet Application development. For web designers and developers who need to make the move to ActionScript 3 from the previous version, ActionScript 2, the learning curve has proven to be significant. In this essential and timely guide, ActionScript expert Kris Hadlock speaks squarely to the many thousands of ActionScript 2 users who need to make the leap right away. The ActionScript Migration Guide covers all of the major changes in ActionScript from version 2 to 3. The book explains the most important and fundamental changes in ActionScript drawing comparisons between the two languages both visually and contextually. With a comprehensive index and robust table of contents designers and developers will easily be able to locate the old an/or new codes with side-by-side comparisons of how to program both and the explanation of the concepts behind them.
Posted by Rn@ At 11:01 AM
Labels: Adobe Flash
Posted by Rn@ At 10:57 AM
Labels: Adobe Flash
All Scripts and Modules and Skins and Fonts !
Newest Version !
Neuste Version 5.0.7 vom Flash Chat von Tufat.com
RS.COM: http://rapidshare.com/files/142823101/Flash-Chat-5.0.7-by-TEAM-SP.rar
6 Mirrors:http://www.qooy.com/files/001M62MC/flashchat5.0.7byteamsp.rar
Alle Skins fur den Flash Chat von Tufat.com
RS.COM: http://rapidshare.com/files/143964280/Flash-Chat-Skins-by-TEAM-SP.rar
6 Mirrors:http://www.qooy.com/files/ZH4IEJ88/flashchatskinsbyteamsp.rar
Alle Module fur den Flash Chat von Tufat.com
RS.COM: http://rapidshare.com/files/143963952/Flash-Chat-Module-by-TEAM-SP.rar
6 Mirrors:http://www.qooy.com/files/0WSEXK0M/flashchatmodulebyteamsp.rar
Alle Fonts fur den Flash Chat von Tufat.com
RS.COM: http://rapidshare.com/files/143963625/Flash-Chat-Fonts-by-TEAM-SP.rar
6 Mirrors:http://www.qooy.com/files/QB6GOQQH/flashchatfontsbyteamsp.rar
Posted by Rn@ At 10:56 AM
Labels: Adobe Flash
Posted by Rn@ At 10:44 AM
Labels: Adobe Flash
Yes, its true. Clipping has now been added to the Papervision3D trunk (2.0). For those of you unfamilier with the concept of clipping, it solves a very common and very annoying problem in 3D Engines - and does a few other things too. The problem I'm referring to is when a face is culled when part of it extends past the camera. You have probably noticed it in racing games or other various demos where the camera gets too close to an object and triangles start disappearing. The previous solution was trying various things with zoom levels and being more restrictive with camera position to avoid the problem altogether. Clipping (namely Near plane clipping) resolves this issue by cutting a face into new faces that *don't* pass the camera's fov. Thus, no more disappearing faces.
Something else clipping helps with is not spending time drawing triangles that are outside the viewing frustum. When you use full frustum clipping, faces are clipped to the sides of the screen. Nothing is drawn "outside" the viewable area. In addition, it removes the need to even project vertices that aren't visible to the camera (don't get too excited, it slows things back down by having to cut faces).
So, using it is way to easy. There is really only one class you have to know. FrustumClipping. This class takes 1 parameter which defines which planes you want to clip against. You can use multiple planes to clip against by using a bitwise OR (I). The possible planes you can use are ALL, NEAR, TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT. I didn't include a far plane since it would just add unwanted computations in most instances. If you want it let me know its easy to add now.
So, to set the clipping, you simply assign it to the RenderEngine's clipping property:
Now, all objects will be clipped to the planes you specified. You can disable on object being clipped by setting DisplayObject3D.useClipping = false; When that parameter is set, clipping will not be tested and you won't have any performance change.
Demo and Source
Posted by Rn@ At 10:39 AM
Labels: Adobe Flash
There are many exciting use cases where the XML friendly PDFXML file format makes the construction of applications much easier by:
Posted by Rn@ At 10:37 AM
Labels: adobe Technologies
Welcome to the Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom 2.1 release candidate on Adobe Labs. The ‘release candidate’ label indicates that this update is well tested but would benefit from additional community testing before it is distributed automatically to all of our customers. The Lightroom team would like the community to help verify the quality of this update through normal usage as this will ensure that the application is tested on a diversity of hardware and software configurations not available internally at Adobe.
If you do experience an issue with this release candidate please report it to the Lightroom User to User forum.
For more information on Lightroom 2 please visit the Lightroom pages on Adobe.com
Lightroom 2.1 Release Candidate for Macintosh and Windows.
Posted by Rn@ At 10:36 AM
Labels: adobe Technologies
Introducing Adobe® Photoshop.com Mobile beta: the easiest way to upload, view, and share photos online from your Windows Mobile phone. Getting started is simple. All you need is a supported Windows Mobile® handset and a Photoshop.com membership. Available only to U.S. consumers as a free beta download. Try it out. Send us your feedback so we can make it better for you.
Posted by Rn@ At 10:13 AM
Labels: Adobe Photoshop
Over the last week, I’ve been working on a new Flex component, a heatmap! For those unfamiliar, a heatmap is a form of data visualization that uses color on a two-dimensional plane to compare values. Most recently, in the Flex community, heatmaps have been made famous by Universal Mind’s Spatial Key application. After seeing that go live, I knew people would be interested in an open source heatmap component for Flex, so I put one together and dropped it on Esria’s open source and community site.
Overall, I found the process of building this component very straightforward. There are many similarities to my treemap component, but the heatmap is a bit simpler in many regards. One thing I particularly enjoyed about building the heatmap was that it required some pretty heavy optimization. Since it could potentially display massive data sets, manipulating the data provider and extracting the required numbers needs to be fast. I spent a lot of time diving into Flex Builder’s profiler. By the way, Jun Heider’s profiler session at 360Flex has some great info that helped me understand the profiler’s numbers better. I highly recommend checking it out.
Posted by Rn@ At 10:09 AM
Labels: Adobe Flex
Posted by Rn@ At 3:47 PM
Labels: Adobe Flash