For my AMDawing I searched a lot for . And all the solutions that I found are too complex in my opinion. I saw all the examples with remote objects and AMFphp or ZendAMF.
Finally I found the solution at I think it is the most straight forward solution. This are the basics:
First you make the URLrequest that requests the php file url. And then you use URLvariables to send all the variables to the php file. This is the code:
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("upload.php"); var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); = this.creatorName.text; vars.bindata = Base64.encodeByteArray(imageData); request.method = "POST"; var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, uploadPhotoHandler); = vars; loader.load(request); |
That is everything at the Flex side. Now the PHP file “upload.php”:
if ($_REQUEST["bindata"] === NULL) { echo "missing parameter."; }else { $img_data = base64_decode($_REQUEST["bindata"]); $name = $_REQUEST["name"] === NULL ? "anonymousn" : $_REQUEST["name"]; $name = strip_tags($name); $img_size = strlen($img_data); if ($img_size < 1000000) { $date = date("U"); $img_filename = "data/$name.$date.png"; unlink($img_filename); $img_file = fopen($img_filename, "w") or die("can't open file"); fwrite($img_file, $img_data); fclose($img_file); echo "$date"; echo "$img_size bytes uploaded."; }else { echo "image too big."; } } |
If you want an extended tutorial you have to go to