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Forging Fire's 8 Great After Effect Tutorials 1. Flip Style Animation 2. Setting Your Logo on Fire Using Trapcode Form 3. Text to Smoke Using Trapcode Form 4. Making Clouds with Trapcode Form 5. Making Clouds with Trapcode Particular 6. Making Real 3D Objects 7. Particle Using Trapcode Form 8. Animating a Flourish Category: After Effects/Trapcode Form In this After Effects free video tutorial, we're going to show you how to make text disappear into thin air. Using Trapcode Form we'll go from a solid shape to little puffs of smoke that whisp off into the air...much like money these days, OMG! Approx. runtime: 14:47 Making Clouds with Trapcode Form Category: After Effects/Trapcode Form Clouds can look really great using Trapcode Form. Watch this free After Effects video tutorial and learn how to make clouds using Trapcode Form. If you don't have Trapcode Form— run, don't walk, to get it today! Approx. runtime: 15:42 Making Clouds with Trapcode Particular Category: After Effects/Trapcode Particular Making clouds is easy. Watch this free After Effects video tutorial and learn how to make rolling clouds using Trapcode Particular. All it takes is a solid with Trapcode Particular applied to the layer, a background and a camera. Could it be any easier? Approx. runtime: 11:09 Making Real 3D Objects Category: After Effects In this free video tutorial we'll show you how to make real 3D objects in After Effects. This same technique can be used to make 3D text, 3D flybys and the like. We'll use the shatter effect that ships with After Effects to make this happen. Approx. runtime: 09:10 Using Trapcode Form Category: After Effects/Trapcode Form In this tutorial we'll map the particles over a text layer using Trapcode Form and then break those particles apart into lines. We'll also use Trapcode Form to simulate radiowaves (of sorts) then split and break those apart into dancing waves of particles. Approx. runtime: 19:06 Animating a Flourish Category: After Effects Learn how to animate a flourish in After Effects. We'll also use a technique to add bounce to growing elements of a flourish. If you missed our "Making a Flourish" tutorial you can check it out in the Illustrator section of our tutorialog. Approx. runtime: 31:40 Download Now http://rapidshare.com/files/203624025/3d-objects.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/203625374/cloudcover.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/203628572/clouds-form.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/203634823/text-to-smoke-form.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/203634914/animating-a-flourish.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/203635649/logo-on-fire-form.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/203637354/flip-animation.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/203645579/trapcode-form-edit.rar |
Monday, March 2, 2009
Forging Fire After Effect Tutorials
Posted by Rn@ At 6:38 AM
Labels: Adobe After Effects