Update: JSEclipse prerelease 2 released on April 2, 2007. Get it now.
JSEclipse is a new plugin for the Eclipse environment that helps developers code JavaScript faster and with no errors. With JSEclipse, you can complete a variety of tasks, from editing small sections of code to working with the next big AJAX library or developing plug-ins for a product that embeds JavaScript snippets.
Download and install JSEclipse and improve your JavaScript coding experience with:
- Contextual code completion & shortcuts.
- Project outline and quick navigation through function declarations.
- Syntax highlighting.
- Error reporting.
- Customizable code templates to get you started.
- Support for popular JavaScript libraries (Dojo, Prototype, Spry, YUI, Qooxdoo).
- Support for JavaDoc documentation and multi-line comments.
- Adobe Flex Builder 2 compatibility.
Follow these steps to get started with the JSEclipse prerelease.
In order to install and use JSEclipse, you need the following:
- Hardware requirements: same as for Eclipse SDK.
- The Eclipse SDK version 3.1 or higher
- The Java Runtime Environment version 1.4 or higher
- Approximately 2 MB of available disk space.
- Download JSEclipse
- Read the installation notes
- Watch the demonstration videos for a tour of the features in JSEclipse.
- Check out the JSEclipse online documentation for a detailed description of the features and installation process.
Join the discussion on the JSEclipse forum, where you can ask questions, discuss your experience, and give us your feedback.
Please note that your submission of comments, ideas, feature requests and techniques on this and other Adobe maintained forums, as well as Adobe's right to use such materials, is governed by the Terms of Use.